Turbulence Or A Smooth Ride? You Decide.Written by Pat Graham-Block and Elon Block

Why is it that 2 people can userepparttar same airport,repparttar 134043 same airline and even be onrepparttar 134044 exact same flight, and have 2 totally different stories about their trip?

Is it all about attitude? Well...sort of.

It's about our expectations and is influenced by visualization. We have a vision of what we will be experiencing, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Trainers and Coaches talk about a process of visualizingrepparttar 134045 end result, as you would desire it to happen. They suggest you use this process when preparing for meetings, sales presentations and other activities, whereby one outcome is preferred over another.

That vision absolutely does affectrepparttar 134046 outcome. Ask any athlete and they will tell you.

Athletes have used visualizing techniques for years. That is what you observe them doing when you see them standing and focusing on their target, in an almost trance-like state, atrepparttar 134047 starting line or onrepparttar 134048 field, just before they hit or throwrepparttar 134049 ball. These professionals are all envisioning, in advance, what they wantrepparttar 134050 outcome to be.

Can this process of visualization, work for you also in your every day professional and personal life? Let's say you are traveling and would like to experience incredible food, clean rooms ready for your arrival, flights and luggage arriving on time, friendly and efficient service.

Can that really happen? The answer is...It sure can. Wayne Dyer, best-selling author of "The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way" says that it is definitely possible to affect allrepparttar 134051 experiences in our lives. Try these suggested steps when planning your next trip, for example.

Mandurah Western Australia, A Holiday Destination For All

Written by Steve Wall

Mandurah is located approximately 72kms south of Perth - Western Australia. Mandurah is a water wonderland visited by day trippers and holiday makers alike all year round. The towns population is approximately 50,000 and continuing to grow. In fact Mandurah isrepparttar fastest growing regional town in Western Australia! It won Tourism Town ofrepparttar 134042 year 2003 and It is now home to activities such as surfing, swimming, crabbing, dolphin watching, boating, fishing and world-class golfing, and that's just scratchingrepparttar 134043 surface!

The town centre of Mandurah is situated around Mandjar Bay and it's foreshore is lined with wonderful parkways, barbeque facilities cafe's, restaurants and a great boardwalk, which is just one ofrepparttar 134044 many other walks available. During weekends and holiday seasonsrepparttar 134045 Mandurah foreshore is packed solid with visitor's enjoyingrepparttar 134046 beautiful surroundings and watchingrepparttar 134047 dolphins at play. At nightrepparttar 134048 Foreshore lights up to produce a spectacular display of coloured lights which are reflected onrepparttar 134049 water. Its a fabulous lifestyle!

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